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Our Careers Strategy

Welcome to Gloucestershire College Careers information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). We are committed to providing high quality CEIAG to enable our students to develop the skills, attitudes and behaviours that employers require. We are ambitious for our learners and believe that good career guidance is the foundation to successful futures.

We hold the Matrix accreditation in recognition of our quality of information and guidance.

Careers Policy
Our Careers Strategy

Career Programme

Our career programme is based on the following frameworks:

We hold Quality in Careers Standard QiCS

“The College offers many career opportunities and resources to students, parents and carers, which are designed to support decision-making. Many staff and areas of the college come together to provide the quality careers education programme, and high quality careers education and guidance is seen as a collective responsibility of the organisation and therefore cannot be delivered in isolation”

Quality in Careers Report, Feb 2022.

We hold Quality in Careers Standard QiCS