- IT & Cyber Security
- Marketing (CIM)
- Business Administration
- Customer Service
- Leadership & Management (ILM)
- Accounting (AAT)

Apprenticeships aren't just for 16-year-olds.
With no upper age limit, apprenticeships are an affordable training option for business owners and training leaders to upskill their current workforce. Anyone can become an apprentice, from junior members of staff to senior managers and company directors.
Apprenticeships are an affordable staff training option
Whether you're a levy payer or not, employees aged 16-18 are fully funded by the government and you'll receive a £1,000 grant.

For levy payers:
All employers with a wage bill of over £3 million per annum are required to pay 0.5% of their total wage bill into the Apprenticeship Levy. The Levy can be used to train new and existing staff through Apprenticeship Training. At the end of the financial year, the levy resets - so use it or lose it.
For non-levy payers:
Non-levy payers can take advantage of Government funding with 95% of course costs funded. You'll only need to contribute 5% to the cost of apprenticeship training.
What is expected of me?
By choosing staff development via apprenticeships, not only will you be able to address short- and long-term skills gaps in your organisation, but you will boost staff morale, help retention and save time and money on recruitment.

By choosing staff development via apprenticeships, not only will you be able to address short and long-term skills gaps in your organisation, but you will boost staff morale, help retention and save time and money on recruitment.
What is expected of my staff?
The majority of professional service training is carried out and assessed within the workplace, also known as 'on-the-job training.' There are also optional masterclasses that your apprentices can attend, delivered in the College for specific industries.

During your training, your employee will be working towards developing the skills and behaviours outlined in the Apprenticeship Standard for their End Point Assessment (EPA). EPA is the final stage of the apprenticeship and will be led by an independent End-Point Assessor over a few weeks and usually carried out in your workplace.
Your apprentice will need to dedicate one day a week towards their training and have regular catch-ups with their Assessor Trainer, who will ensure they are on track and developing their skills, ready for the final assessment.
Get in touch today
To discuss your training needs and to find out more about programmes and funding available for your business.
*If you are an individual with an interest in apprenticeships but without an employer, please visit this page instead.