18TH AUG 2022
Meet GC's Employer Training & Apprenticeships Team - Sian Pirone, Senior Business & Apprenticeship Sales Executive
Employer Training and Apprenticeships
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GC’s Employer Training & Apprenticeships Team is at the heart of our employer business, committed to developing and nurturing home-grown talent and training people up with skills, right from the start of their careers - thus helping mould them to the high standard and quality our employer-partners expect.
GC’s Employer Training & Apprenticeships Team is at the heart of our employer business, committed to developing and nurturing home-grown talent and training people up with skills, right from the start of their careers - thus helping mould them to the high standard and quality our employer-partners expect.
The team actively works with over 1000 employers to upskill and develop their workforces, in particular focusing on building the skills of tomorrow and ensuring apprenticeships are relevant, responsive and enable apprentices to make a significant contribution to the success of their business; while supporting the apprentices every step of the way.
Sian Pirone is an experienced Senior Business & Apprenticeship Sales Executive with background in Hospitality joined the College in the autumn of 2021. As the Employer Training & Apprenticeships Business Consultant she supports businesses across Catering & Hospitality, Motor Vehicle, Hair & Beauty, Healthcare, Childcare, and Dental.
In Sian’s own words:
“My role within the Employer Training & Apprenticeships team allows me to transfer my sales and account management skills, and engage with many employers across different sectors including Hospitality.
"For the industries that got badly affected as the result of the pandemic, apprenticeships is a real opportunity to invest in the future of their workforce, as they bring a breadth of knowledge and skills from across all sectors. With it comes the opportunity to impart knowledge and pass on skills critical for the future.”
“Probably the most common misconception I hear from employers is that an apprenticeship is only for school leavers.
"Anyone who wants to upskill, retrain and gain relevant skills in a different career sector can become an apprentice.
"I always tell employers who are considering recruiting a new apprentice or upskill their employees through an apprenticeship, that it is one of the best investments in the future success of their business.”
As Gloucestershire’s Training Provider of the Year and a trusted partner of more than 1000 local companies, we understand the skills needs faced by industry sectors and offer apprenticeships, part-time and short courses in a wide range of areas, including:
- Accountancy (AAT)
- Marketing (CIM)
- Business Administration
- Customer Service
- Leadership & Management (ILM)
- IT & Cyber Security
- Construction & Building Services
- Motor Vehicle Maintenance
- Education & Early Years
- Dental Nursing
- Hairdressing
Whether you are looking to upskill or re-train your current employees or hire someone new - we are here to help.
View the full list of GC apprenticeship programmes here.
To discuss your training needs and to find out more about programmes available for your business, contact our Employer Training & Apprenticeships team. Call 01452 536400 or email employer.training@gloscol.ac.uk