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8TH AUG 2022

9 Top Tips for Maintaining Good Mental Health during the Summer Holidays

9 Top Tips to Maintaining Good Mental Health during the Summer Holidays
9 Top Tips to Maintaining Good Mental Health during the Summer Holidays

Although we look forward to a break from college and well-earned rest over the summer, it can be difficult to break from our usual routines. Therefore, we have compiled nine useful top tips to support your well-being whether you are a current student or thinking of joining us.


  1. Schedule in set things to look forward to doing. This can include seeing a friend, going for a walk or creating a list for the day.
  2. Check in with people who already support your mental health and well-being, a counsellor, a friend or even a family member.

  3. Stay active. Plan on taking a walk, going for a bicycle ride or even creating a weekly workout routine – whatever suits you.

  4. Connect with people you already know who are coming to college or are already at GC.

  5. Build a sleep schedule before college starts and stick to same time each night and morning. Remember to aim for 8 hours sleep each night!

  6. Avoid screens for at least half an hour before bed. Our devices emit low levels of harmful blue light, causing strain around the eyes and light sensitivity that can affect your sleep.

  7. Keep your rooms on the cooler side; we typically sleep best in 16-18°C.

  8. Switch phones on silent or do not disturb. It can be tempting to look at your phone throughout the day, but giving yourself time and space to not be tempted by it will help you.

  9. Ask for Help. When seeking help for your mental health, it can be daunting to know where to go.

In College:

Speak to tutors, student mentors or the mental health team who are here to help and offer advice.

Outside of College:

The Mix - Support and information for young people

TIC+ - Counselling services in Gloucestershire.

Young Gloucestershire - Countywide charity that supports disadvantaged young people who are facing challenges in their lives.

Kooth - Online mental well-being community.

Qwell - Mental well-being support for adults.

In case of a crisis:

Samaritans (116) or 999 in an emergency.