10TH NOV 2021
Free bite-sized tech courses available to Gloucestershire businesses
Employer Training and Apprenticeships

Businesses across Gloucestershire and beyond can now sign up to free modular tech courses in the Certificate of Future Technologies, a skills training programme created by the West of England Institute of Technology (WEIoT) partnership in response to local needs.
Businesses across Gloucestershire and beyond can now sign up to free modular tech courses in the Certificate of Future Technologies, a skills training programme created by the West of England Institute of Technology (WEIoT) partnership in response to local needs.
WEIoT is a collaboration of higher and further education providers – including Gloucestershire College – bringing together industry and education to equip people with essential skills in emerging technology and digital innovation.
The Certificate of Future Technologies programme will help businesses develop and grow through 18 free bite-sized skills courses – worth up to £2,100 each – that staff can easily commit to and do not require too much time away from the business to complete.
There are 10 core and 8 specialist modules for employees to choose from, to address their personal professional aspirations or those of their organisations.
Subject areas reflect key topics that local SMEs and other employers have identified as skills needs in their businesses.
Gloucestershire College is offering the module “Fundamentals of HTML5 and CSS3”.
While others offered include Cyber Security Incident Management for Decision Makers, Fundamentals of Project Management, Introduction to Python, Sustainability and Social Values, Introduction to Azure and Data Analytics.
There are multiple start dates to choose from, and delivery methods vary between onsite, online and blended, depending on the module.
Find out more about the Certificate of Future Technologies modules and available start dates here.
Courses are available to those aged 19 or over working for a company based within West of England IoT region.
To qualify for the Certificate of Future Technologies, employees are required to commit to a minimum of 50 hours of learning and pass their assessment by 31 March 2022.
Next steps
Visit https://www.weiot.ac.uk/course-bookings/ to:
- check your eligibility
- browse the courses and select the ones that work for you
- register your interest and book your place.
Spaces are limited to a maximum of 15 from each organisation, and course fees are funded by the Department for Education as part of the pilot (T&C apply). Find out more and book here.