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School Business Professional Apprenticeship

Level 4
Off Site

Course Overview

Part Time

School Business Professionals (SBPs) perform a role which is unique to schools, administering and managing the financial, site and support services within the school context. They provide essential support to school leadership teams, implementing their financial and business decisions. SBPs may work in any school phase (primary, secondary, special) and in different school structures: single academy trusts, multi academy trusts (MATs), local authority-maintained schools and federations, etc. Consequently, they can work in very different settings with varying numbers of people that they report to including the headteacher or School Business Director (SBD). Within this context, SBPs have a shared number of roles which shape their day-to-day activity to make this a homogeneous role in schools.

SBPs interact with all school stakeholders regularly to advise on and manage school business practices effectively. This requires them to understand educational issues as well as business management.

Their work is performed in the context of ensuring that public funds are used effectively. They must adhere to the principles of making the best use of school resources to enable all students to achieve their potential and to meet the aim of increasing social mobility for children and young people. SBPs must also understand that their role is of vital importance in relation to school governance and compliance. They must have a good understanding of educational policies and be able to implement change.

Delivery model and duration:
Training is delivered in the workplace with a mixture of face to-face and remote sessions.

Duration: 18 months plus 3 months for End Point Assessment.


The apprenticeship will cover the following core areas:

  • Financial and Operational Management
  • Communication and Relationship Building
  • Project Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Governance and Risk
  • Managing Support Services
  • Marketing


Benefits for learners:

  • Gain a standard qualification as a School Business Professional
  • Develop knowledge and show competency in a school business environment
  • Develop expertise in a variety of areas including support services, financial management, marketing, procurement, HR and infrastructure management
  • A professional pathway for future development


Ideal for:

  • School Business Manager
  • HR/Office Manager
  • Finance/Bursar Manager
  • School Administrator


Benefits to business:

  • Develop the skills your business needs
  • Get qualified and motivated staff
  • Future proof your business
  • Professional qualifications for your staff


End Point Assessment
The End Point Assessment will test the entire Standard, and be undertaken as follows:

• Simulated Task: 1.5hrs to prepare a short-written report which will be presented verbally, 10 minutes for verbal presentation and 10-12 minutes for questions.
• Project Report & Presentation with Questions & Answer: Report submitted by week 2 of their EPA period, 10-12 minutes for presentation and 30-32 minutes for questions.



Finance Understands the range of educational funding streams available which are applicable to their educational setting. Has a working knowledge of accounting practices and understands how to apply business principles to the optimum use of funding to support learning outcomes. Understands school compliance issues. Recognises business efficiency and knows the range of data required to inform school business decisions
Procurement Knowledge of school procurement regulations and requirements and how to achieve value for money, including collaborative procurement. Understands how to manage collaborative processes with other schools in order to share good practice and secure financial efficiencies. Has an awareness of the complexities of procurement law
Human Resources Understands the complexities of teaching and support staff contracts, terms & conditions of employment and payroll. Understands educational HR policies, safer recruitment, and compliance with safeguarding priorities and equality legislation. Has an awareness of when to seek legal advice.
Managing Support Services Knows the impact of educational policies at an operational level in order to support the school development plan. Understands the influence of educational regulatory bodies (DfE, Ofsted, etc). Is aware of Ofsted requirements and the implications these have for the workforce and planning in a school. Knows how to manage the DfE pupil and workforce census and their impact on the school.
Governance & Risk Has practical knowledge of the supporting documentation governors need. Understands the process of risk management and procures and manages insurance cover for the school to mitigate risks as appropriate. Has relevant knowledge enabling compliance with charitable status and education law. Understands the impact
of, and how to implement, safeguarding policy in a school environment.
Marketing Understands how marketing can be used to underpin school funding. Knows the marketing priorities of their school and the impact marketing activities can have. Understands marketing activities to promote their school and takes into account e-safety when doing so.
Infrastructure Awareness of the optimum deployment of resources targeted to raise pupil attainment. Understands the significance of physical facilities and digital processes in an educational setting, e.g. facilities repair logs, student data analysis, data security and safe use of social media. Has knowledge of relevant legislation that schools must comply with, such as Health & Safety, Freedom of Information, Employment and Data Protection policies.
Ethical Standards Understands and demonstrates the highest standards of personal and professional conduct and applies statutory regulations and provisions.
  • GCSEs in English and maths at grade 9-4 or A* - C.

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What You Will Pay

Please contact Student Services on 0345 155 2020 for pricing information.