Fashion Studios
The fashion studios at our Cheltenham Campus offer students a range of machinery and equipment that reflects what you’ll find in the fashion industry.

Get to practising your sewing techniques with our range of domestic and industrial sewing machines in our spacious and open fashion studios and create professional-looking seams and finishes with Overlockers to unlock your creative potential.
The studio has display and fit mannequins, essential for garment construction and to create and display students’ work. We also have industrial irons and heat presses for applying transfers, logos, and embellishments to garments.
MacBooks and iPads can be used to create digital designs with the laser cutter and 3D printer to cut intricate designs onto a variety of materials including textiles, paper, and card.
Experiment with Textures and Patterns
In addition, the fashion studios are equipped with a loom and a variety of print and dye-making facilities. The loom enables students to weave fabrics and experiment with different textures and patterns, while the print and dye-making facilities allow experimentation with colour and patterns.